STEM: Talent Development for Dyslexic Students [Premium]

STEM: Talent Development for Dyslexic Students [Premium]

Just from the strengths perspective, we might expect that many dyslexic students would excel in science and technology. STEM jobs often require strengths in real world problem solving that depend on powers of observation, analytical ability, pattern recognition, and synthesis, or putting different pieces of information together. The problem is, dyslexic students may get few opportunities to observe and dabble in “real science”, unless they go out looking for it. Recently, I had a chance to catch up with Dr. Doresa Jennings, an amazing homeschooling mom who we all can learn from in terms of how she designed educational plans that build on students strengths. Even if your kids aren’t yet strong in science or technology, Doresa’s advice is worth listening to. Here are three […]

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Crisis Schooling: The Dyslexia Edition [Premium]

Crisis Schooling: The Dyslexia Edition [Premium]

Are you going to be homeschooling or perhaps willing to give traditional school a try under the new rules? Teacher mom blogger Heather Ann said this: “You are NOT homeschooling. You are CRISIS schooling. There is a huge difference. You may choose to homeschool after this, but this is not what homeschooling looks like, not even remotely.” I completely agree. If you are schooling, no matter what form, you are crisis schooling and not homeschooling or traditional schooling. Even with all of the protections in place, something is likely to go wrong, whether its activities that can’t be done, or unexpected quarantines because of someone at school or a co-working getting sick. And yet, with all the uncertainties on the horizon, it is possible for […]

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The Writing Process From a University Tutor [Premium]

The Writing Process From a University Tutor [Premium]

I recently came across a helpful account from a university-based tutor who worked with a fellow college student at Reed. There are many points that are helpful to consider if you are working with a student in the area of writing. For some, writing is the most frustrating task they are likely to encounter in school. It is often the gateway to higher education and most common way their knowledge and ideas are assessed as they progress through education. The full article is HERE. She begins with a disclaimer, recognizing that she is “no expert,” but I think she is an expert of sorts, having worked through many difficult challenges with her student and helping him to reach a higher level of proficiency. “As my […]

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Dyslexia and Gifted: Course for Psychologists

Dyslexia for Teachers Course



    Discover Your Dyslexic MIND Strengths




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