Precis Writing … or when less is more

Precis Writing … or when less is more

“English A was ‘a disaster and French was like medieval torture. To sit down with a blank piece of paper and write was the most traumatic thing that had ever faced me in life. I had ideas in my head, but I could not get the stuff down. It was a crushing time.” – Charles Schwab “It will be particularly helpful if they give themselves practice in precis writing, paraphrasing, and note-taking. If one has to write a precis one is forced not only to think out carefully what are the key ideas in a particular passage but also to express them concisely, accurately, and clearly. Paraphrasing makes similar demands and also forces one to consider the style of the original and to be critical […]

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“If you start to do things you’ve never done before, you’re probably going to fail at least some of the time…and I say that’s ok.” – Dean Kamen Dean Kamen is one of the world’s most prolific inventors with over 440 patents to his name – including the Segway, the Luke Arm (robotic prosthesis), a programmable insulin pump and portable water purifier for Third World Countries. He also created the FIRST LEGO league to encourage young people to build and engineer, and he considers that his most important accomplishment. Dean’s father was an illustrator for MAD magazine and Weird Science and his mother was a teacher. Precocious at a young age, he remembers inventing a way to make his bed without having to cross to […]

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How Dyslexic MIND Strengths Integrate with Multiple Intelligences [Premium]

How Dyslexic MIND Strengths Integrate with Multiple Intelligences [Premium]

In our book, The Dyslexic Advantage, we spoke about the 4 MIND strengths common in adult dyslexics: M for Material Reasoning, I for Interdisciplinary Reasoning, N for Narrative Reasoning, and D from Dynamic Reasoning. These skill clusters and talent sets had parallels in brain systems and processes as well as careers, domains of expertise, and areas of innovation. Multiple Intelligences is a concept that was introduced by Howard Gardner of Harvard to identify specific modalities that went beyond a single intelligence or general ability. The seven he initially characterized were: musical-rhythmic, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, logical mathematical, bodily, kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. The ones he considered adding later were naturalistic (able to classify natural forms, ecological ‘receptiveness’), existential or spiritual, and teaching -pedagogical in telligence. Somewhat related […]

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Q: Can I Be  Software Developer with Dyslexia ? A: YES! [Premium]

Q: Can I Be Software Developer with Dyslexia ? A: YES! [Premium]

This question comes up surprisingly often, although dyslexic computer programmers or software developers are probably on every team and startup. Some of the big picture reasons dyslexics made do well in programming: – Strong Problem Solving – Systems Thinking – Big Picture – Flexible Thinking – Analytical and Logical But for the details of why dyslexics do well in software development, lets hear from developers themselves: From Simon, Lead Software Engineer: “You may worry that you have to read and write code all day, but its not the same as documents its simple code. If your dyslexic mind works anything like mine you process words as pictures and patterns. This works great for code you can easily visualise systems and processes. Code is the best grammar and spell checker you […]

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This is Your Brain on Words [Premium]

This is Your Brain on Words [Premium]

In breaking research from UC Berkeley, researchers have found a complicated filing system when it comes to how we process words that we hear. While listening to stories, individual words triggered tiny activation explosions all over the brain associated with word associations – “Words were grouped under various headings: visual, tactile, numeric, locational, abstract, temporal, professional, violent, communal, mental, emotional and social.” So a well-working human brain responding to stories functions more like a wall filled with stickie notes rather than a linear filing cabinet?  Which sounds more like the dyslexic way of wiring?  Check out the video explanation below. The finding certainly points out the fallacy of viewing language in simple right-brain-left brain terms, but it does support the complexity of language and the right-left […]

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Shakespeare and Dyslexia – Making Words Physical [Premium]

Shakespeare and Dyslexia – Making Words Physical [Premium]

Today is National Shakespeare Day, and dyslexia and Shakespeare have been on our minds. We recently mentioned that Lloyd Everitt (yes, he’s dyslexic) is the youngest actor to play Othello at Shakespeare’s own Globe Theater. But we’ve also been thinking about Shakespeare recently because, on our trip down to California, we had the pleasure of stopping by the Oregon Shakespeare Company’s Rebecca Carey, the head of Voice and Text. Rebecca has  an accomplished career that includes acting herself as well as teaching and consultant roles with the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, Oxford School of Drama, Broadway, and American Repertory Theatre. Rebecca is also co-author (with her husband, David Carey) of The Shakespeare Workbook and Video, a brilliant practical course for actors that includes such topics […]

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Dyslexia and Gifted: Course for Psychologists

Dyslexia for Teachers Course



    Discover Your Dyslexic MIND Strengths




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