Stealth or Compensated Dyslexia [Premium]

Stealth or Compensated Dyslexia [Premium]

There are a variety of terms used to described individuals with dyslexia who have challenges decoding text but then evolve over time to those who can read silently with good compensation. These people can succeed in the highest levels of education and work, but still have non-reading-related challenges (for instance spelling and writing fluency, tip of the tongue word retrieval issues) that persist. We coined the term stealth dyslexia some years ago because in this setting dyslexia could fly under the radar of detection, but others have used terms like compensated or resilient dyslexia to characterize many of these individuals. IS THIS THE GOAL? If you have a student who is still in the throes of learning effective decoding, getting to the the compensated or […]

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The Way of Resilient Readers: Vocabulary and Morphology [Premium]

The Way of Resilient Readers: Vocabulary and Morphology [Premium]

There are many informal terms that have come into literature to describe “compensated” dyslexic readers. We coined the term stealth dyslexia to call attention to their pattern on psychometric tests; stealth dyslexics often had this compensated reading pattern where silent reading comprehension was much better than single word reading accuracy or oral fluency.     It’s common to see a pattern of resilient reading by dyslexic students in college or those who have been successfully remediated. Dr. Fumiko Hoeft has found that activity in the left prefrontal region seems to predict reading resilience in children (see below). Interestingly, a study by Farris et al. in the Annals of Dyslexia this year has found that strong vocabulary predicted reading resilience among college students with dyslexia. From […]

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Dyslexia and the NEW SAT [Premium]

Dyslexia and the NEW SAT [Premium]

The new SAT started March 2016. From the New York Times, “What’s true of the writing section is true of the new SAT in general: There’s much more to read. “The most fundamental change is that there are many, many more words,” said Aaron Golumbfskie, education director for PrepMatters. “If you don’t read well and happily, this test isn’t going to be your friend.” Even the math section will require more reading, with fewer questions based on equations and more word problems. Some prompts will present the same type of real-world situations that the Common Core emphasizes — “The recommended daily calcium intake for a 20-year-old is 1,000 milligrams (mg). One cup of milk contains 299 mg….” Mr. Golumbfskie describes the math section as “tighter […]

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Q & A: Can I be a Doctor if I am Dyslexic? [Premium]

Q & A: Can I be a Doctor if I am Dyslexic? [Premium]

Answer: Yes. Absolutely. There have been many famous physicians who were dyslexic, and many today that you might not know who are dyslexic because many don’t identify in the workplace and many more weren’t formally identified. The typical profile of a dyslexic physician is to have had early troubles in elementary school, then a jump in abilities in middle to high school, and then further jump up in college and medical school. There are probably several reasons why medicine can be a popular occupation for adult (often gifted) dyslexics. First, it is a complex domain to master that nevertheless also requires an ability to grasp the big picture, make decisions, and execute a plan. Medicine is based on science, which is a strong suit and […]

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How Dyslexia Changes at Different Ages [Premium]

With all of the advances in our understanding of early intervention, dyslexia in older students and young adults often gets short shrift. The paper by Dr. Kathleen Niesen and colleagues has some interesting findings that have important points for identification, accommodations, and understanding of both the challenges and strengths of adolescents and young adults with dyslexia. Importantly, the authors made this point: “…if dyslexia was not diagnosed earlier in schooling, young adults do not qualify for accommodations even if as adolescents and adults they meet research criteria for dyslexia on evidence-based assessment. Such assessment practices do not seem fair or sensible or consistent with the spirit of the Americas for Disabilities legislation.” The point made was that dyslexia missed in the early grades usually meant dyslexia […]

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Breaking Research : Dyslexia in Adolescents and Adults [Premium]

Breaking Research : Dyslexia in Adolescents and Adults [Premium]

An important paper was published this month from the University of Washington, entitled “Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Assessment for Dyslexia in Adolescents and Young Adults.” The paper is especially important guiding testing professionals who assess teens and adults for dyslexia or see gifted or twice-exceptional students. This paper also takes a more systematic look at the roles of individual factors like working memory and executive function on dyslexia and reading and spelling performance. The data will be helpful in targeting educational interventions and can also guide requests for testing accommodations. There are interesting observations too in that paper that will help with characterizing the strengths that occur among adolescent and adult dyslexics, with implications for twice-exceptional or gifted students with dyslexia. In several areas, adolescent / adult […]

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Dyslexic Advantage Premium – Issue 11 Organizing Creativity [Premium]

Dyslexic Advantage Premium – Issue 11 Organizing Creativity [Premium]

 Premium Issue 11 October 29, 2016 Organizing Creativity, Stealth Dyslexia, Dyslexia and Self Image, Memorizing for School, What Worked for 2E Gifted Dyslexics, Art Therapy for Dysgraphia, Hands-On Math for Fractions, More Interactive Reading Strategies, Mastering Foreign Languages and More This issue has memory strategies that seem to be helpful for a majority of dyslexic folk – whether it’s history facts, science vocabulary, or foreign languages. Subscriptions support Dyslexic Advantage.     [/wcm_restrict]

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Why It’s Hard to Proofread and Read Fluently [Premium]

Why It’s Hard to Proofread and Read Fluently [Premium]

It can be maddening. You look and look you just don’t see it. Later you pass your work along, you see all the thing you hadn’t seen the first time round. What’s going on ?  You’ve experienced a ‘trick’ of perception. In our clinic, when trying to explain the phenomenon to children, we often use the analogy of optical illusions…when you see something that’s not there or you miss something – that later you can’t believe you could see at the start. These tricks of perception are what adds to the time needed for many dyslexic students on classroom and standardized exams. It accounts for why some teachers may be flabbergasted by a student’s need for extended time, when they seem so quick with problem solving […]

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Divide and Conquer: Working Memory Hacks [Premium]

Divide and Conquer: Working Memory Hacks [Premium]

“Divida et Impera.” – Julius Caesar There’s an old military strategy of Divide and Conquer that’s been in operation even before Julius Caesar’s Divida et Impera (Divide and Rule), and it turns out divide and conquer can be helpful if you’re dyslexic too. Recently, we were asked  by a professional colleague about the most common cognitive pattern we see in dyslexic individuals. Verbal reasoning and not uncommonly spatial reasoning are high, but working memory and processing speed are slow. How could it be, she asked that fund of knowledge and reasoning ability are so high though working memory is much lower or even quite low? The reason there is no tight connection between these cognitive groups is that working memory is not an index of total memory (for […]

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Can Gifted Kids with Dyslexia Fly at School? – When Tests and Schools Fall Short [Premium]

Can Gifted Kids with Dyslexia Fly at School? – When Tests and Schools Fall Short [Premium]

I recently came across Bobby Gilman’s article on the critical issues facing twice-exceptional or Gifted LD students at school. It’s an ambitious paper for sure, but provides a solid big picture view of the challenges that 2E students face in their pursuit of an appropriate education. The challenges include states drastically scaling back services for students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLDs) of which dyslexia is considered a part. Sometimes the issue is that the threshold for students to qualify for services is so prohibitively low (e.g. 5 or 12th percentile), that many students are missed and fall off any radar. Regarding Response to Intervention or RTI: Gilman et al. states: “RTI was not developed with gifted children in mind, and adaptation of its rules for gifted children […]

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Dyslexia and Gifted: Course for Psychologists

Dyslexia for Teachers Course



    Discover Your Dyslexic MIND Strengths




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