Results for "math"
Diagramming Math [Premium]

Diagramming Math [Premium]

…figured it out themselves.   In my search for math curricula that emphasized deeper understanding and diagrammatic thinking, I came across two resources that may be valuable for you – Illustrative Mathematics and Japanese Math. Often, we may be reminded that mathematics has its own language. There are words and symbols that mean different things in every day speaking, reading,……

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Understanding Conceptual vs. Procedural Knowledge in Math [Premium]

Understanding Conceptual vs. Procedural Knowledge in Math [Premium]

With math scores lagging tremendously due to pandemic-related school, many of us may suddenly find ourselves responsible for supervising (if not tutoring) math.   If that’s the case, it’s important to keep in mind the big picture of math learning. Of course the issue of conceptual and procedural learning apply to all subjects, not just math, but it especially becomes…

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Reading and Mathematics [Premium]

Reading and Mathematics [Premium]

…have shown there is a strong relationship between the grasp of math-specific vocabulary and math achievement. There are words that only have meaning in math (for example, hypotenuse, cosine, or coefficient), and words that have different meanings in ordinary English and math (for example, the words “average” or “similar”). It’s also not uncommon for math texts to present new words…

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Dyslexic Mathematicians: Paradoxes and Insights [Premium]

Dyslexic Mathematicians: Paradoxes and Insights [Premium]

…“Using neurodiversity as our theoretical framework, rather than a deficit or medical model, we analyze the narratives of five dyslexic research mathematicians to find common strengths and challenges for dyslexic thinkers at the highest level of mathematics. We report on 3 themes: 1) highly visual and intuitive ways of mathematical thinking, 2) pronounced issues with memorization of mathematical facts and…

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Math Problems: Does It Matter If It’s Identified As A Math Disability? [Premium]

Math Problems: Does It Matter If It’s Identified As A Math Disability? [Premium]

…subtests to routine comprehensive battery because of the following potential benefits.   MATH LD SPECIFIES DIFFICULTIES AS WELL AS STRENGTH One of the biggest benefits of testing is clarifying what specific difficulties students may be having and what recommendations might be made for the classroom. Rather than being lumped into a “bad at math” group, it might be…

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Keeping Math Alive

Keeping Math Alive

…if you were sitting in a math class), to gamified experiences, to bare bones, just get me through the experience as quickly as possible formats. A big list of online Math resources and comprehensive math learning sites can be found at We Are Teachers below. (Click the photo) Some students struggle with engaging or persisting with online math programs, so…

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Dyslexia and Math: Knowing Why [Premium]

Dyslexia and Math: Knowing Why [Premium]

…reasoning – in fact for many students, math reasoning is a strength. This is an important thing to know especially if you know of a student who may be having difficulty with math in school.   WHY KNOWING WHY IS IMPORTANT Because math reasoning is typically a strength among dyslexic students, the why of math procedures may be essential for…

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Working through Higher Math [Premium]

Working through Higher Math [Premium]

…College determined to learn all the math he would need to become a mechanical engineer. Not only did he succeed in that goal, but he also became an expert higher mathematician and now publishes papers involving complex math. So how did he get from A to Z?   MATH FROM MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES Gary was fortunate to learn from a math

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Math: Teaching with Physical Materials [Premium]

Math: Teaching with Physical Materials [Premium]

Almost half of all dyslexic student may have math disabilities (Wilcutt et al.2013), but math disabilities or dyscalculia are rarely recognized in public or private schools in the US. All the more important for tutors, teachers, and parents to be aware of dyslexia-related differences in learning better ways of helping information ‘stick’. One helpful example for how to support math

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Organizing Math [Premium]

Organizing Math [Premium]

…Berkley – Math waiver 11. UCLA – Math substitution or waiver 12. University of California, San Diego – Math waiver 13. University of the Redlands – Math waiver 14. University of the Pacific – Math substitution 15. Wittier College – Math waiver 16. Colorado State U @ Pueblo – Math waiver with documentation 17. Western State College – Math substitution…

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Math and Sciences: Symbols and Dyslexia [Premium]

Math and Sciences: Symbols and Dyslexia [Premium]

It’s important to be aware that although many dyslexics have natural strengths in math reasoning and scientific thinking, these strengths may not be evident during K-12 education because of challenges with symbol confusion and polysemous or multiple meaning words in math and science. As a result, even students with high potential in science and math may find themselves underperforming in…

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Building on Strengths in Math

Building on Strengths in Math

…a spiky profile as is seen with language-related testing, and as with language, considerable strengths also exist alongside weaknesses. Dyslexic strengths in math include math conceptual ability and math reasoning; weaknesses typically involve math fact retrieval, procedural learning and sequencing, language factors, and math symbols. Tremendous math instruction mismatches can occur when elementary school teachers who are asked to teach…

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Dyslexia and Gifted: Course for Psychologists

Dyslexia for Teachers Course



    Discover Your Dyslexic MIND Strengths




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