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Dyslexia and Personal Relationships [Premium]

Dyslexia and Personal Relationships [Premium]

‘Dyslexic moments’ like in the BuzzFeed video with Becky and Corey may happen a lot depending on how significant dyslexia related challenges are. Besides car directions, there are little mistakes writing down phone numbers or addresses or jotting down notes. Supportive families know how to be flexible and roll with the unexpected. It’s not uncommon for people to wonder whether they should bring up their dyslexia as they get to know someone better. It’s not easy bringing up these things because it can call up all sorts of past memories of being in school and misunderstood, and chances are, a significant other may know little about dyslexia. Some people choose not to bring the subject up – while others may have not known they had […]

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Teaching Geometry to Dyslexic Students [Premium]

Teaching Geometry to Dyslexic Students [Premium]

“Henry Winkler… got his diploma in the mail only after taking the same geometry class eight times in a row over the course of four years, during the summers and regular school semesters, and finally passing with a D-.” — Alia Wong, “The MisEducation of the Fonz”, Atlantic Monthly It’s surprisingly hard to find research publications on teaching geometry to dyslexic students. One reason, suggested by Kay and Yeo in their book Dyslexia and Maths, is that numerical difficulties are more common among dyslexic students than geometric ones. They cite one study of 92 students followed over four years in which 50% failed to meet standards in Number Work, compared to 27% who missed for “Measure, Shape and Space.” That being said, because geometry is […]

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What is ‘Explicit’ Instruction and Why Does It Help with Dyslexia? [Premium]

What is ‘Explicit’ Instruction and Why Does It Help with Dyslexia? [Premium]

If you look at almost any evidence-based guidelines for students with dyslexia, you’ll see the word ‘explicit’ in how instruction is delivered. Merriam’s Dictionary defines explicit as: “fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity; leaving no question as to meaning or intent.” WHY IS EXPLICIT INSTRUCTION FOR DYSLEXIC STUDENTS? Remember that people with dyslexia tend to store information in explicit or declarative memory – with episodic memory areas being especially active. Activities that non-dyslexic people seem to acquire more effortlessly – like recognizing printed words, writing by hand, or retrieving math facts – are difficult if not impossible to learn without explicit instruction. For example, many non-dyslexic people may learn grammatical structure just through encountering different sentences when they are reading; dyslexic students, […]

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Is There Anything I Shouldn’t Do? [Premium]

Is There Anything I Shouldn’t Do? [Premium]

We’re often asked to give suggestions of activities or jobs that might be bad matches for people who are dyslexic, but the best answer is almost always, “It depends.” Dyslexic people tend to excel in creative activities that may include some or all of the MIND strengths (Material Reasoning, Interconnected Reasoning, Narrative Reasoning, Dynamic Reasoning). Difficult activities for dyslexics tend to include secretarial work because of its demands on proofreading and transcription, and rote repetitive jobs that require that tasks be done the same way every time. However, there are few absolute prohibitions when it comes to different activities or fields. In many fields or careers, challenges may arise, but in most cases these can be overcome with workarounds, technology, partnering with someone else, or […]

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Using CHATGPT as a Study Partner and Quiz Maker [Premium]

Using CHATGPT as a Study Partner and Quiz Maker [Premium]

How can ChatGPT be used as a study partner? If you’re just getting started with ChatGPT and study, begin keeping a list of prompts that can help you prepare for exams. STUDY BUDDY, SELF-TEST, and QUIZMAKER FOR TEACHERS ChatGPT is very handy as a study buddy, especially if working from a knowledgeable source. For most dyslexics, making studying interactive, visual, and interesting can go a long way to making information easier to remember. Here are some examples of prompts and ChatGPT answers: Me: Provide partially worked examples to help me learn how to use transition words in complex sentences. Certainly! Understanding how to use transition words in complex sentences can greatly enhance your writing. Here are some examples with explanations: Despite the rain, we decided […]

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Don’t Do This: Dyslexia in The General Classroom [Premium]

Don’t Do This: Dyslexia in The General Classroom [Premium]

With all the demands that teachers face regarding classroom management, and the pressures getting students up to speed in reading and math, dyslexic students may find themselves experiencing additional stress from common classroom practices. We now know that as a group, dyslexic children are more emotionally reactive than their classroom peers (UCSF research). In addition, we know that over half of dyslexic adults experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder when returning to school settings as parents.     In the the Dyslexia at School study from Dyslexic Advantage, 43% of parents surveyed reported that their student was punished because of dyslexia-related challenges. What were some the punishments recorded? – given extra homework – physical seclusion (work in hallway or closet) – singled out in classroom […]

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The Big Picture of Dyslexic Cognition [Premium]

The Big Picture of Dyslexic Cognition [Premium]

“Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone will be a living thing, asserting itself with ever- growing insistency…” — Daniel Burnham, a founding father of American urban design With every year, a stronger picture of dyslexic cognition seems to be emerging and with this greater knowledge comes a better understanding of the positive opportunities and advantages as well as broader context for why development seems to be so late blooming and beset by unexpected challenges. MIND STRENGTHS, DEFAULT MODE NETWORK, INTERCONNECTED THINKING Although there’s a new push […]

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Question: My 5th Grader is Refusing Structured Literacy What Should I do? [Premium]

Question: My 5th Grader is Refusing Structured Literacy What Should I do? [Premium]

My 5th Grader is refusing structured literacy, what should I do? The following is general and not specific advice. The best advice comes from someone who knows your student and also knows in more detail what your student has been experiencing. REFUSING STRUCTURED LITERACY It’s generally accepted that structured literacy is the remediation of choice for students who are struggling significantly with reading and individual word decoding. There are many reasons why students may struggle with and ultimately give up on structured literacy. They may be depressed and worn out or mismatched with a curriculum, teacher or tutor. Sometimes what worked for a student in the past won’t work for them now because the progress is slow, or they decode sufficiently that they prefer to […]

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Learning Through Real Things: David Kelley’s Tech Box [Premium]

Learning Through Real Things: David Kelley’s Tech Box [Premium]

“Striving for perfection can get in the way during the early stages of the creative process.” — David Kelley David Kelley is recognized as one of the world’s leading design innovators. He is also dyslexic and dysgraphic. In addition to founding Stanford University Design School, David co-founded IDEO, a design company that, among other things, designed the prototype for the computer mouse that we know today.     In The Art of Innovation, David’s brother Tom wrote about how David loved to make things as a little kid, and as early as he could remember, he believed in the process of starting somewhere and continually improving something until it really works. When Tom was only six, he remembers David improving how he built snowmen until […]

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Statistician with Dyscalculia – A Chat with Dylan Lynn [Premium]

Statistician with Dyscalculia – A Chat with Dylan Lynn [Premium]

  How can a statistician have dyscalculia? Welcome to the wonderful world of mathematics – the field is as wide as it is deep. One of the keys to Dylan’s love of statistics, and later data analysis is that she loved math to tell stories. She loved the puzzle-solving aspect of statistics and how information could be made accessible through analysis to drive decision-making and policy. Although Dylan had indeed struggled with many lower level aspects of math – like timed math fact retrieval, math symbols, and fractions, she flourished as a data analyst in tech companies, drawing trends across disciplines and communicating what she learns from patterns that she recognizes to drive informed decisions.     Such a career has many aspects of MIND […]

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Dyslexic Storytellers [Premium]

Dyslexic Storytellers [Premium]

Although many of the physical and mechanical aspects of writing are difficult, many of the greatest writers of all time are dyslexic. Why does storytelling come naturally to so many? Dyslexic people have powerful emotional, personal, multisensory memories. As a result, it’s easy to recall the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings of the past and once the hurdles of getting information down on a page are overcome, stories can come to life for others. Not everyone has these gifts – in fact, a lot of people don’t. A common dyslexic strength is “episodic simulation”. The word “episodic” refers to what scientists refer to as episodic memory, memories for episodes or experiences that have a specific place and time.     Our surveys of dyslexic and […]

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Dyslexia and Gifted: Course for Psychologists

Dyslexia for Teachers Course



    Discover Your Dyslexic MIND Strengths




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