Writing An Essay — How They Do It [Premium]

Writing An Essay — How They Do It [Premium]

Over the past decade, it’s been a joy to see how many more dyslexic university students and professors are sharing how they tackle one of the most difficult tasks in education: writing an essay. The mechanics of writing are difficult, for sure, but for many, the volume of ideas and a need to organize and prioritize them is an equally difficult task. Here are two videos from Jemima Hutton, a medical student from Australia. She shares why she prefers mind-mapping to outlining (outlining is too restrictive) and how she enjoys getting her associated ideas down on paper. In the second video, Jemima talks about how she uses software to scaffold her writing. She uses Claro Writing Helper, but now there are other software similar to […]

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Navigating the Non-Dyslexic World [Premium]

Navigating the Non-Dyslexic World [Premium]

For almost every subject and career, there will be challenges that arise because rules and programs were designed without dyslexic people in mind. The only way things can change for the better is to have more members of the community speak up and advocate for change. Sometimes the process of self-advocacy can be exhausting, but if you stay with it day-in and day-out, educating rather than doing battle, you are usually surprised to see improvement over time. ADVANCED AND SPECIALTY CLASSES OR ACTIVITIES As individuals progress through their education and life, they master the basics of reading and writing, and other problems are encountered in spotty fashion as they enter advanced or specialty activities and classes. For example, I’ve often heard from dyslexic IT specialists […]

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Dyslexic Cognition and Processing Speed [Premium]

Dyslexic Cognition and Processing Speed [Premium]

Processing speed can be a very frustrating aspect of dyslexia and dyspraxia. It doesn’t have its own DSM diagnosis code and in truth, processing speed in the context of dyslexia and or dyspraxia have very different sources. Some people think that it doesn’t matter what the source of the speed problems are, but I think it’s more important than people realize. Most people in the dyslexia field don’t have the experience of being a neurologist – but it’s a pity that more people haven’t had those experiences. If you have assessed people throughout the life cycle (kids through adults) and in the setting of disease (like brain injury) or learning difference (like dyslexia), there are dramatic differences that affect learning and communication. Common issues that […]

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You Think in Words; I Think in Pictures [Premium]

You Think in Words; I Think in Pictures [Premium]

“…when I was a kid, my mother had often asked my father, ‘What are you thinking?’ He’d shrug and say, ‘Nothing’ — a response that irritated her to no end. (‘How can he be thinking about nothing?’ she’d ask me.) I’ve always been on Team Dad; I spend a lot of time thoughtless, just living life. At the same time, whenever I speak, ideas condense out of the mental cloud. It was happening even then, as I talked with my friend: I was articulating thoughts that had been unspecified yet present in my mind. My head isn’t entirely word-free; like many people, I occasionally talk to myself in an inner monologue. (Remember the milk! Ten more reps!) On the whole, though, silence reigns. Blankness, too: […]

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Learning Outside the Lines [Premium]

Learning Outside the Lines [Premium]

Many adults with dyslexia only discovered that they were dyslexic late in life. Those who return to learning may enjoy more successes as they can choose routes of learning (and assessments) better matched to how they learn best. ONLINE LEARNING Many K-12 students may have disliked online learning based on pandemic experiences, but careful selection of online programs (some with 1:1 tutors) may result in better options than a particular classroom. If a student is failing, the school may be open to trying something different. The option to replay and re-listen, then have a tutor to follow up with additional explanations may be a way that some students can get through and succeed with math CERTIFICATIONS AND SCHOOL-TO-WORK PIPELINES The pandemic led to an explosion […]

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Your “Mini-Me” and Bullying [Premium]

Your “Mini-Me” and Bullying [Premium]

English singer-songwriter Robbie Williams recently shared that he was saddened after learning that his 10-year old daughter who is like a “mini-me”, dyslexic also with musical abilities, was rejected by a friend who decided she didn’t want anything to do with her after learning that she was dyslexic. “I tried to make it clear to her that sometimes you just have to let other people go, that you should let them go – but without sacrificing your self-esteem in the process…This girl did not deserve her love and friendship…I speak from experience.” Because many adults today discover that they are dyslexic only after their children are identified in school, this reliving the school and social-emotional stresses as their own children try to navigate their lives […]

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Getting Your Phone to Read Your Screens and Books Without Audio Versions [Premium]

Getting Your Phone to Read Your Screens and Books Without Audio Versions [Premium]

Maybe you know how to use your Siri or Google’s digital assistant, but do you know how to get all your screens including e-books read to you? For iPhones: Depending on your latest update, some of these settings may look a little different – but Accessibility from your General Settings should lead you to the right area. Some earlier version may just list “Speech”. You can choose to show the controller or hide it and also choose whether you would like text highlighted as it is spoken. The controller overlays any screen. Click on it to open. You can scroll horizontally on the button with numbers to increase or decrease speed. Other commands are listed on the page for Reading all content, speaking on touch. […]

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Memory Problems and Math [Premium]

Memory Problems and Math [Premium]

Many students and adults attribute difficulties in math to memory problems, but probing these difficulties further often leads to the realization that it’s not a simple matter of remembering or forgetting, but rather trouble defining, organizing, then retrieving what has been learned. PROBLEMS DEFINING AND UNDERSTANDING ‘WHY’ First of all, if a student is struggling with remembering new information, it’s best to check and see if the definitions, procedures, and the why of procedures are clear. In fact, it may be a flipside of a strength in long-term memory that contributes to dyslexic students’ confusion with ambiguous terms. A good example of this James Tanton’s blog post: When fractions are introduced as pieces of pie, 3/5 + 1/5 makes sense to equal 4/5, but what […]

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Q & A: Bilingual and Dyslexic [Premium]

Q & A: Bilingual and Dyslexic [Premium]

Question: Our 9 year old son is bilingual and also dyslexic. We have decided to allow him to attend a bilingual school with his older sister for cultural and family reasons. Will this harm his educational development? The school seems supportive, but does not have teachers trained to remediate dyslexia. There are many reasons why families choose to raise their children with two or more languages, not the least being ties to two cultures and communicating with extended family members. As you may be aware, language learning can be very difficult for some dyslexic students, leading them to seek waivers for foreign language instruction. That being said, we have known many families over the years who have done just as you plan to do. The […]

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What’s the Connection between Auditory Processing and Dyslexia? [Premium]

What’s the Connection between Auditory Processing and Dyslexia? [Premium]

It’s not uncommon when we speak to groups about dyslexia that someone asks why we are mentioning auditory processing when they (mistakenly) believe dyslexia is only about reading. In fact, there is substantial research literature about dyslexia and auditory processing difficulties – sometimes the problems can present with difficulty in learning phonemes, but other times it may affect sensitivity to auditory distractions, trouble listening to rapid or foreign speakers, and problems hearing in the presence of background noise. People who are dyslexic themselves or live with people who are dyslexic may know all about this. It’s a good example of how simplistic definitions can confuse rather than help. There’s been extensive work about auditory processing differences found in dyslexic vs. non dyslexic groups. The figure […]

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Dyslexia and Gifted: Course for Psychologists

Dyslexia for Teachers Course



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