This question comes up frequently. Can older dyslexic students and adults learn 'speed reading' and if so, how? The short answer is YES, but it's only usually a subset of people who can do this. Young children who are still struggling with decoding are not good...
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Why It’s Hard to Proofread and Read Fluently [Premium]
It can be maddening. You look and look you just don’t see it. Later you pass your work along, you see all the thing you hadn’t seen the first time round. What’s going on ? You’ve experienced a ‘trick’ of perception. In our clinic, when trying to explain the phenomenon to children, we often use the analogy of optical illusions…when you see something that’s not there or you miss something – that later you can’t believe you could see at the start. These tricks of perception are what adds to the time needed for many dyslexic students on classroom and standardized exams. It accounts for why some teachers may be flabbergasted by a student’s need for extended time, when they seem so quick with problem solving […]