The Belief of Fathers

This post is for all those great fathers who never lost sight of the young men or women their children could become. Here’s a story from the past – some of the experiences will sound familiar: “Several of my uncles and aunts had tried to teach me to read, and because they could not, and because I was much older than children who read easily, had come to think, as I have learnt since, That I had not all my faculties… I remember nothing that I read, but only those things that I heard of or saw.” “My thoughts were a great excitement, when I tried to do anything with them, it was like trying to pack a balloon into a shed in a high […]


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Non-Linear: The Path to Life Success [PREMIUM]

From our experience, nonlinear development is more often a rule than an exception when it comes to dyslexic kids growing up. As a result, parents, teachers, tutors, and guidance counselors should avoid making predictions about ‘tracks’ that students should be on (or potential) because it’s likely that they’ll be wrong. In Margaret Rawson’s remarkable Dyslexia Over the Lifespan, a Fifty-Five Year Longitudinal Study (alas, the book is now out-of-print and quite expensive), beloved educator Margaret Rawson described the outcome of the children under her tutelage at the Rose Valley School. Margaret had the distinction of living to 102 years old and she kept in touch with many of her students for decades after graduating. In Margaret Rawson’s remarkable Dyslexia Over the Lifespan, a Fifty-Five Year […]


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Positive Affirmations [Premium]

A dyslexic woman and successful tech entrepreneur was interviewed and asked what helped her overcome ‘the odds.’ Here’s what she said: “Affirmations…I literally told myself the naysayers were wrong about me. I told myself exactly what I needed to hear, every single day, to move my life forward.” Here are some of the affirmations on her list – what are yours? 1. “The biggest and most complex obstacle I will ever have to overcome is my mind. If I can overcome that, I can overcome anything.” 2. “I cannot control exactly what happens in life, but I can control how I respond to it all. In my response is my greatest power.” 3. “I have to accept whatever comes my way, and the only important […]


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Effect of Strength-Based Coping on Children’s Stress and Coping

From Australia: “Strength-based parenting is an approach where parents deliberately identify and cultivate positive states, processes and qualities in their children,” Professor Waters said. “This style of parenting adds a ‘positive filter’ to the way a child reacts to stress. It also limits the likelihood of children using avoidance or aggressive coping responses.” Stress typically arises when a person perceives that she or he cannot adequately cope with demands being made. Strength-based parenting was assessed with questions such as “My parents are aware of my strengths” and “My parents encourage me to use my strengths in a lot of different situations.” The study found that the stronger strength-based parenting skills were associated with lower levels of children’s stress and better strength-based coping abilities. The authors […]


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Dyslexia and Gifted: Course for Psychologists

Dyslexia for Teachers Course



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