Dyslexic Advantage Online Courses

DYSLEXIA FOR TEACHERS ONLINE COURSE $300  ($400 for Graduate Credits through SPU)
For general education teachers and other school professionals.
30 teacher clock hour credit upon successful completion. Check with your supervisor if out-of-state.
Video instruction, online discussion forum, short quizzes.


Online course for parents and others who want to support their students with dyslexia.
This video course includes an online questions and answer forum for questions that arise.
This course can also be taken by parents whose children are attending private or public school, but want additional information and resources to support their children in their current educational program. A one-year Premium Dyslexic Advantage magazine subscription is included in the course fee. Premium membership also allows access to all past issues.

MINI-COURSES for TEACHER CLOCK HOURS $10 (Must be a Premium Subscriber)
Earn professional development credits as your read articles in our Premium Dyslexic Advantage magazine.
After successfully completing short multiple choice questions based on articles, you will be sent an e-certificate with credits. Mini-courses are $10 for a maximum of 5 credit hours. You must be a Premium subscriber to purchase and take this course.


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