Dyslexia Test – Moderate Dyslexia

According to the answers given, your score test is greater than 60[br]

You are showing signs consistent with moderate or severe dyslexia*

Research results: all those who recorded scores of more than 60 were diagnosed as moderately or severely dyslexic. Therefore we would suggest that a score greater than 60 suggests moderate or severe dyslexia. Please note that this should not be regarded as an assessment of one’s difficulties. But if you feel that a dyslexia-type problem may exist, further advice should be sought. Keep in mind that comprehensive dyslexia testing by a professional is required to make formal determinations of dyslexia.


*Results from the Adults Test – what it all means.

The research and development of the checklist has provided a valuable insight into the diversity of difficulties and is a clear reminder that every individual is different and should be treated and assessed as such. However, it is also interesting to note that a number of questions, the answers to which are said to be characteristics of dyslexic adults, are commonly found in the answers of non-dyslexics.

It is important to remember that this test does not constitute an assessment of one’s difficulties. It is just an indication of some of the areas in which you or the person you are assessing may have difficulties. However this questionnaire may provide a better awareness of the nature of an individual’s difficulties and may indicate that further professional assessment would be helpful.

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